Sunday, June 8, 2014

Physics project reflection 3

I feel so proud of the team work that we have done to build our roller coaster because now it has all of the requirements that are needed for a good grade.

However, we are struggling a little with tape and we are borrowing tape from other groups.

Our roller coaster works well and now we just need to add the toothpicks with the laws and decorate the project and add few more change of directions to make it complete.


Friday, May 23, 2014

Physics Project Reflection 2- Ammar

When we first started building the rollercoaster, we had many problems. We needed many boxes and small parts that would make our roller coaster successful.

What was really frustrating is that when we try to stick parts together with tape, the tape keeps falling apart because I think the tape is not strong enough. The whole thing is unstable however, when we start progressing into building it will look and work perfectly.